The Better the People
The Better the World
Being Better Starts with you.
At MWIMPP World, we are dedicated to feeding children and women in Africa, providing them with nourishment and hope for a brighter future.

Click on one of the links below or use the form.
Methods to Donate
**In order for these options to be presented on the form, donors must have a card added to their Apple/Google Wallet or be based in a location that supports Venmo and Mercado Pago.

Current Initiatives
Athieno Homes
Athieno has opened her first home that houses CHILDREN. She would like to open others. See the video above. To help her open the next Athieno home, donate below.
Mutonyi Farms
Jobs are few in Uganda. Mutonyi is launching Mutonyi farms to provide food and jobs. Help her by donating below.
Athieno Wheelchairs
Athieno loves to support homes for the disabled. She would like to supply them with wheelchairs.
Nshuti's School
Measuring success through improved health outcomes and overall well-being.
The work that MWIMPP World does to feed children and women in Africa is truly amazing. Athieno is inspiring, the woman has a heart of gold. Watch out Oprah!
S. Holloway
I am amazed by the dedication and impact of MWIMPP World in helping those in need. The video about their work in the Congo made me a first time donor.
C. Baufman
Nourishing the world
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